GIS is digitally transforming AEC firms through improved workflows, better collaboration, and strategic partnerships to build smart communities and assets for the future. Add location to design to understand projects in context and deliver greater ROI.

Explore a real-life scenario

Improve your project site planning with ArcGIS - design with a geographic context, provide field inventory and maintenance updates, and share real-time project updates with internal and external stakeholders.

Develop a site plan

With your GIS data and Esri's ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, AEC firms are able to organise all the context for their project sites.

Overhead 2D view of project site

Asset inventory

With Esri's apps for the field, your team can inventory and identify assets in and around your project site.

Tagged assets on 2D top-down view of project site

Design with geographic context

Understand built and natural environments and impacts. Mitigate costly mistakes during the construction process.

3D view of project in relation to its surroundings

Improve collaboration with stakeholders

Provide flexible deployments to deliver information products from your internal project teams to your clients.

Data packets of project displayed in 2D and 3D

To learn how BIM and GIS integration optimises designs, reduces costs, and creates more resilient infrastructure, explore the industry solution catalogue, call (021) 2940 6355 or talk to a specialist today.

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